Glas-in-lood - 1100 - 1199 0000.0011




- Gaudin, Félix, Le vitrail du XIIe siècle au XVIIIe siècle. Deel in de serie 'Les arts décoratifs'. Paris (Flammarion), 1977/1928cop. [63 blz. ISBN -]. Hierin "Le XIIe siècle": blz. 9-14

- Dodwell, C.R., Yhe Pictorial Arts of the West 800 - 1200, deel in de serie 'Pelican History of Art'. New Haven & London (Yale University Press), 1993 [462 blz. ISBN 0.300.05348.7 & 0.300.06493.4]. Hierin "Stained Glass: 1100-1200": blz. 375-403

- Zarnecki, George & Janet Holt & Tristan Holland (red.), English Romanesque Art 1066-1200; Hayward Gallery, London 5 April - 8 July 1984, tentoonstellingscatalogus. London (Arts Council of Great Britain & Weidenfeld and Nicolson), 1984. [416 blz. ISBN 0.7287.0386.6]. Hierin "Stained Glass": blz. 135-145.